I am an author and live in the north east of England. After working thirty-two years as a steelworker, I retired early to concentrate on writing. I have been writing approximately twelve years and have written twenty three novels and over fifty short stories. My impatience with the mainstream publishers prompted me to self publish and I have recently published ten books. No doubt, I will publish more very soon.
I am involved with a small but select group of international writers, who will post stories regularly on this site
The biography of Ronald Burns, who served as a Royal Navy DEMS gunner aboard merchant ships during WWII. His first ship, SS Empire Drum was torpedoed in the Atlantic and he and his fellow shipmates spent thirteen days adrift in a lifeboat. Shortly after being rescued, he served aboard rescue ship, SS Rathlin, which sailed with the infamous convoy, PQ17 to Russia. What Ron witnessed was carnage and devastation beyond belief. This is his story.

Last updated: 09-21-2013

France, June 6th, 1944 After finding themselves separated
from their unit, six British soldiers of the 6th Airborne Division encounter a band of gypsies. Two of the soldiers rape a girl and murder her boyfriend, before turning their weapons on the vengeful group. Madame Carmen Baptiste, the bandolier of the gypsies, places a curse on the six aggressors and their offspring for generations to come. Sixty years later, and Nina Corbett, a barrister and the granddaughter of one of the damned, attempts to contact the other five cursed ancestors. Each curse is unrelated, and all are subjected to horrific experiences, including terrifying spirits. A sequence of unusual events results in the group assembling for a harrowing and blood-curdling conclusion. This is a story of retribution and justice… A pulse-quickening and exhilarating thriller/horror. Enjoy.
Last updated: 09-21-2013
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