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I am an author and live in the north east of England. After working thirty-two years as a steelworker, I retired early to concentrate on writing. I have been writing approximately twenty years and have written thirty-four novels and over fifty short stories. My main genre is psychological thrillers and horror, but  I have published a biography of a friend and a war novel concerning the holocaust.

In 2016, I published Tales of Enticement volume I+II, fifty short stories of various genres, including comedy, children's stories, horror, thrillers, mystery, fantasy, war, and even a couple of romantic ones. More recently, I published thrillers,  Call of the Reaper and Testimony of the Dead. All of my books are available in print and e-book format.

    My impatience with the mainstream publishers and the termination of my original publishers prompted me to self publish. No doubt I will publish more very soon.

Please feel free to ask me anything about me or my books using the guestbook on the right of the page.


I am involved with a small but select group of international writers, who will post stories regularly on this site.





Latest news.

I have now republished and rewritten all titles with KDP publishing 2022 and 2023.

My latest novel, thriller, The Exhibitionist is now available at Amazon and most major online bookstores.

Amazon. com :
Amazon UK:



Insanity Never Sleeps

Insanity Never Sleeps II (The Resurrection)

Nurtured Evil

The Eternal Chain

The Cruise

The Orphans of Dachau

Comrades of Deceit

Forever and Ever

The Culling

Cupid's Poison Arrow

The Abduction of Grace

Cries from the Deep

Blood Money

Hallowed be thy Name

This Blood Red Sea

Apostle of the Tyrants

Shadow of the Redeemer

Portrait of Guilt

Scent of the Dragon

The Club

Whispers of the Dead

Precarious Infatuations

Tales of Enticement I

Tales of Enticement II

Murder Most Immoral

Hush Little Children

Pursuit of Angels

Devil's Deceit

Abyss of Sinners

Beauty beyond Death

Call of the Reaper

Testimony of the Dead

Beyond the Dunes

The Exhibitionist






Last updated: 01-05-2025


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